One-of-a-Kind Team Building Workshops.

Corporate wellness taken up a notch.

Corporate Wellness with a Twist: Floral Team Building

With her extensive corporate and client service background, Blooming Garden Flowers founder, Mo Ihekweazu, is excited to bring fun and engaging custom workshops to your corporate teams.

During her nearly 5 years of client service at a Big 4 management consulting firm, Mo developed a knack for designing and facilitating client workshops across the United States, tailoring content based on client need. Mo has several facilitation certifications from her time at her consulting firm, and as a leader with over 15 years of work experience across several industries, she is comfortable engaging with any level of leadership. She absolutely loves bringing people together and helping spark creativity with her one-of-a-kind workshops.

Each team building workshop includes a private floral arrangement class, where Mo will teach your team the forgotten art of floral arrangement. It’s a chance for your team to unplug and lose themselves in a sense of creativity that many did not believe they possessed. Everyone will take home their own arrangement that they’ve made themselves. Mo will come to a location of your choice (a conference room, private dining room, outdoor terrace, etc.) and provide all flowers and supplies. Please see our Corporate Team Building Brochure for more information. This is corporate wellness taken up a notch, with nothing else like this on the market.

Check out a few videos of our floral team building classes here and here!

Not enough time for a class? Ask about our floral stand!

Floral Class FAQ’s

Mo, what’s your work background? I’m a Duke MBA and Emory undergrad. I’ve worked in client service for many years, including 5 years at a management consulting firm and 2 years at a boutique consulting firm. I’ve also worked as a Director of Strategy & Operations at a Fortune 500 company. I’ve lead countless client workshops while in consulting, and teaching and conducting fun workshops are one of my great passions in life.

Why do you teach these classes? During the pandemic I decided I needed to find more joy, and teaching and flowers bring me so much joy. I started taking formal classes on floral arrangement, reading books on the subject, and doing florals arrangements for new clients. I then decided I wanted to bring this joy of flowers to more people, and teach them the skills to be able to bring lovely flowers into their home or office whenever they please. I want to focus on corporate team building in particular because I’ve been to countless team building events that seemed repetitive, or even boring, and my workshops allow you to be creative, relax, and have fun, while  you learn a useful skill that you can use in your everyday life. So, I formally started my own floral experience company in 2022, Blooming Garden Flowers, and here we are.

How long are these floral workshops? I keep them fun and engaging and they last 75 to 90 minutes start to finish, including a quick icebreaker before diving into the class. Class can be during or right after work in your office, or a location of your choosing. We finish our session with some brief mindfulness exercises, to end things on a positive and appreciative note.

As a client, what do I need to bring to one of these sessions? Basically just yourselves! I bring all supplies, including vases, cutting shears, and of course, flowers. Some clients opt to bring in some snack trays and drinks, especially if it’s after work hours.

How big are these sessions? Class sizes generally range from 5 to 50 people; more than that and I’d suggest splitting into more classes so that I can still be hands-on with participants as needed.

When should I schedule a class? Any time! Below are some ideas:

-Valentine’s Day*

-Administrative Assistant Day*

-Mother’s Day*

-Summer Associates/Interns  

-Client Appreciation and/or Business Development (any time of year)

-Women’s Interest Group(s)

-Holidays (generally October/November/December time frame)

-Whenever, just because!

*= can be marketed as a gift giving class and therefore easier to include all genders 

How much does a floral team building workshop cost? Reach out and we can talk—I offer pricing based on rough number of attendees.

Please contact us for pricing and further details. Mo offers her corporate services both in person and virtually across the United States. Additional travel fees apply if location is outside Beltway 8 in Houston, TX.